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  • Why did wet dreams wake up immediately?
  • Many men experience wet dreams in life and wake up immediately after the dream, which will affect the quality of sleep and thus affect the next day's work and life. Therefore, we must pay enough atten...
  • Can mooncakes be eaten after 15 days?
  • Try not to eat mooncakes after expiration of 15 days. Moon cakes, like other ingredients, have a certain shelf life, and they are safe to eat during the shelf life. If mooncakes are eaten after the sh...
  • Can congenital fibrinogen deficiency be cured?
  • Congenital fibrinogen deficiency is a rare genetic disease in which patients lack fibrinogen, leading to coagulation dysfunction. Although this disease cannot be completely cured, the condition can be...
  • What is the role of Guyuan Cream
  • 1. Beauty and beauty effects

    Guyuan ointment enriches blood and moisturizes skin and is good for skin health care. After long-term use, the complexion will be ruddy and the skin will be soft a...
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